For the past few weeks, we have been studying economics and trying to answer the compelling question:
How does economics impact the individual and society.
For this unit, we showed our learning by choosing a product or company and producing supporting questions. I chose iPhones. My supporting questions - with the key concepts highlighted - were:
- What role does innovation play in the product of iPhones?
- What are the global and/or local costs and benefits of iPhones?
- What are iPhones so much higher than competitor product prices.
I decided to create a website to show my learning because I wanted to be able to embed different media. A website also allowed me to present the information I found in easy-to-read sections.
Take 4 minutes to watch my presentation below.
All done? Visit my site here and then take complete the Quizizz on the 'Test Yourself' page to see what you have learned.
Remember to come back and let us know what you learned or post any questions you have!
Now that we've completed this activity, I've embedded your feedback below. To add to this and make expectations clear, I would remind you:
- you do not need to include every economic term in your video, because the economic terms are already in your materials in a way that shows your understanding
- speaking slowly and clearly is very important
- notice the typo in the 3rd supporting question above - such errors easily be avoided by having a peer or family member check your work
- if citing, use MLA format and then add to your Sources / Works Cited / Bibliography section of your presentation
Was this helpful? Let us know in the comments.
Happy learning and put your best effort into your project - I'm sure they will be fascinating and we will learn a lot from each other!