Thursday, 2 January 2020

Happy New Year & A New Blog!

I hope you've all had a restful and rejuvenating break wherever you've been. Our family spent the break right here in Malaysia, seeing the new decade arrive in Penang.

Bye, bye 2019. Hello 2020! (Penang)
As we kick off 2020 and continue with our 2nd trimester in humanities, it's time for all students in our team to get connected.

Students already started their blogs before the December break so we are ready to share and learn from the worldwide community. Take a peek at what they've already shared by clicking on the Grade 7 Bloggers List to the right of this post.

We look forward to 2020 being our year of reaching and growing - join us! Look to the right and enter your contact in the 'Follow by Email' box to keep up with the events in our classroom.

We look forward to sharing our learning journeys with you.

Mrs Abena and Grade 7 humanities students

Remember, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them below or use the Contact Form to the right (scroll down a bit). You can ‘subscribe’ to this blog by using the 'Follow by Email' box top right, which will enable you to receive notifications for new posts. Whatever you do – happy learning!


  1. Thank you for sharing what the students have been learning so far. It's nice knowing about what Emily learns in class.

    1. Thanks for checking out our class blog!

  2. Thank you !looking forward to reading the blog. It will be great to know more about their learning and whats going on in class.

    1. We are excited to share with you, and the world!

  3. Hi. This is Jongseo’s mon
    I am really happy to be connected to what the students are doing in class.

  4. Hi Ms. Abena,
    Adele's mom here. This blog looks amazing!

  5. Hi this is CJ's dad. I really appreciate this window into the thoughts and ideas our kids have during their school activities.

    1. Thank you. I hope you find the posts informative and interesting and that they make you proud of everything CJ learns.

  6. I look forward to seeing the events taking place in the classroom. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi, this is Pat's mom. I really like how you made this blog because I got to see what are my son is doing in class.Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks. I'm sure Pat will do many things that we can share on here and make you proud.

  8. Hi, this is Leah's mom. I'm so excited to get to read the class blog! Thanks for sharing it with the parents.

    1. You're welcome Patty. Happy reading!

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing more about what the kids do in class. Glad to have access to this blog. Thanks. Ryan's mum.

  10. Thanks so much for stopping by to take a look.

  11. This is a nice blog and I hope you a good year as well.

  12. Hi I really like your post it was cool to read I didn't know you could subscribe to other peoples blogs. We have to do humanities too. We just finished a humanities project with robots. Is humanities your favourite subject in school or is it a different subject?

    1. Hi there,
      Thanks for your comment.
      I teach humanities and an elective - I love teaching both. What about you?
      All the best,
      Mrs Abena


Economics Project - iPhone Example

Below is a sample project created for assessment purposes only. The intention is to look at the rubric to assess if it meets all the standa...